- Bed requirements
- Number of ICU beds per hospital should depend on type of services available in the hospital as well as the needs of the community.
- Ranges from 2-6% of total number of hospital beds
- working area about 200sq. ft/bed.
- Open concept is highly preferred.
- placing of bed in semi-circular position.
- All patients can be viewed from the nursing station.
- Windows located near the bed.
- Day light in ICU.
- Nursing station with central monitor ( optional ).
- Sister�s office.
- Male and female changing room with toilet and shower facilities.
- Common rest rooms.
- Treatment / preparation room.
- Mini laboratory for essential test e.g. ABG, BUSE.
- Sluice room.
- Pantry.
- Reception / conference room and library.
- Waiting room for immediate family members.
- Store room
- Isolation room.
- Doctor�s room.
- Family waiting room.