Pediatric Nurse

A pediatric nurse is a child�s best friend during the times when children get sick. If you aspire to become a pediatric nurse, it is not only the paper qualifications and experience in the field that you will require to have, but also the passion and drive to do what it takes. So let�s explore the day in the life of a pediatric nurse, and look at the special qualities that one should have to succeed in their job.

Becoming a pediatric nurse is not a joke. It is not something that can be considered the most laid back and relaxing job on earth. In fact, when you deal with kids of all ages, the amount of stress both with work load and the emotional drain that you will witness on a daily basis will leave you devastated at the end, if left untouched or unconsulted.

If you are aspiring to become a pediatric nurse, that will be most probably because you love being around kids. If that is the case, you will also need to check how strong you are as a person before opting in for becoming a pediatric nurse. if you have an emotional attachment to kids, you may be prone to stress, depression and anxiety, when you see them going through pain and medical procedure. Especially, if you select to work at a ward or division dealing with mortal health conditions such as cancer, nobody could promise that your life will become flowery and happy. In fact, it may take a turn to the worse as far as emotions are concerned.

So unless you are a happy bubble that spreads arrow attacks of positivity to every soul that you bump in to and if you don�t have a positive outlook in life which makes it easier for other people to hang out with you, you should not opt in for a career specialization as a pediatric nurse. Children always turn to pediatric nurses when they are in hospital. So unless you have patience, tolerance and a very positive attitude that you can spread across a ward, to both children and your colleagues, a specialization for being a pediatric nurse, is not for you.

If course, you will have seen other grumpy personalities being absorbed in to pediatric wards to work as a pediatric nurse. On closer evaluation, you will also see the kind of negativity and dullness they spread. You wouldn�t want to end up like that now, would you?

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Nursing Uniforms

Although nursing has a long history, ir has been properly established during the 19th century. By 19th century, a number of nursing practices came in to the healthcare arena and people started looking at the nursing professional as a true profession. During World War 1 and World War 2, the nursing profession became very prominent in the society and it was an honor to become a nurse in that era.

From the inception of the nursing profession, there was a uniform attached to it as well. First of all, the uniform of nurses looks as same as nun�s habit. There is a good reason for this. Before the emergence of nursing career, it was the nuns who took care of the patients. When the nursing profession was established, it borrowed the design of nun�s habit for the uniform. In addition to that, nursing went hand in hand with religion and adopted the titles as �sister� for the nursing practice.

After the initial emergence of nursing uniforms, then it was time for rapid change. With the time, nun�s habit looking nursing uniforms started changing its way and by 1940, there have been a little bit of change took place in nursing uniforms. After 1940, it was all about the changes. In the US, the nursing uniform went through dramatic changes. The nursing uniforms were adopted by various institutions different ways but belonging to a certain rules and standard set up by the national governance bodies.

The change to the nursing uniforms was embraced by many people with the good heart and some people did not like the change. As an example, more orthodox countries refused to do dramatic changes to the nursing uniforms and try to maintain its appearance at 1940�s level. These uniforms include the under-dress, over-dress, apron, and the cap. Sometimes, they also wear a pin too. These uniforms are still in use in the UK and orthodox 3rd world countries.

In the US, nursing uniforms have gone through many changes. By now, most of the nurses wear scrubs as their uniform. When compared to the traditional uniform, scrub is somewhat easier to wear and maintain. When it comes to an emergency situation, scrubs can be a breeze. But not all the nurses welcome scrubs as their uniform. Some people argue that wearing scrubs does not give the identification the nurses deserve. According to them, people in scrubs could be identified as hospital cleaners or surgeons.

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Nursing Shoes

No matter what people say, nursing shoes are the most important aspect of a nurse�s attire. But you will hardly understand why, unless otherwise you are a nurse, yourself.

So in this article we try to shed some light in to why nursing shoes are so important, the changes that have taken place in the past decades with regards to nurses attire and shoes and how comfortable nursing shoes can save a whole lot of trouble for both the nurse and her colleagues and employer.

Traditionally, clogs have been used by nurses because they were relatively cheap and had a reputation of providing protection to feet. Later on the clogs became scrubs and nowadays, they remain an important part of a nurse�s attire.

Scrubs have done a pretty good job in providing the well deserved comfort and protection to nursing feet. Nurses are always on the run, they never stand or sit still in one place for more than a few minutes. Therefore, their shoes need to be as good as their feet. Although scrubs are no more called scrubs, it is the same type of footwear that we call nursing shoes, today.

Usually, nursing shoes will have big ventilating holes to provide enough air to the feet. imagine being stuck on a pair of heels until the shift is over? Or imagine how much of a pain it would have been to carry on with two back to back night shifts, in a horrible pair of nursing shoes?

All this and more have been now addressed and done away with the introduction of new nursing shoes. Nurses usually get to have two or three pairs of these shoes so that even when they are on night duty or continuous routine work, sometimes extending up to a day or more in length, so that they can feel fresh.

All in all, the nursing industry as well as the profession has been through a long road. From starting out at nunneries, and adopting part of a nun�s attire and being stuck in uncomfortable shoes to getting in to a more casual, free nursing uniforms and nursing shoes.

Although the latter may not come about as a great achievement of the last century, if you ask a nurse, he or she will be able to express with feelings and emotions, how much these nursing shoes and nursing attire changes mean to them.

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Registered Nurse

If you want to practice / work as a nurse in the United States, you need to become a registered nurse. Without becoming a registered nurse, you cannot do anything in your profession. Let�s have a look at what it takes to become a registered nurse and the roles and responsibilities in the career.

There are two basic educational qualifications when it comes to becoming a registered nurse; must have graduated from a nursing school or from the college in the nursing program and must have passed the national licensing exam. If you can adhere to these two requirements mentioned above, you can become a registered nurse. In the old days, there were no strict requirements to become a registered nurse. First it was just a low level entry requirement and since then, the entry bar has been raised constantly. By now, you need to have the above qualifications to become a registered nurse.

The registered nurse is the one who has a general education and experience in almost all the areas of the patient care and the one who has special knowledge in an area such as women�s health, babies etc. The specialization is done as the nurse students wish and it also depends on the grades they score through the exams.

Depending on the area the registered nurses choose, their working environment varies. If they choose a hospital environment to work, they usually get to work in well-lit, air conditioned environments. These nurses should provide 24 hours healthcare service the patients, so they work in shifts. In addition to that, they are required to work during nights, weekends, and public holidays. Sometimes, if the nurses are residing in the hospital premises, they should be on-call. Should an emergency arise; they should be ready to go for work. If the registered nurse chooses to become women�s or public health specialist, they will be mostly traveling and be going to the households. For this type of a registered nurse, there are no proper working hours, but they may not be working onsite during the night times.

The registered nurses attached to schools and companies usually do not provide 24 hours care and restricted to work during business hours. Sometimes, registered nurses do work part time in these places to earn some extra money, whenever they get a free time from their regular work. According to the national level statistics, about 20% of registered nurses have worked part-time in the year of 2008. Registered nurses do have a big scope for their business and their ultimate goal is to make everyone healthier.

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Travel Nursing

Nursing industry has gone to develop its own branches and variations by now. It is not just one profession which has been there for years, but a collection of sub-professions that work together as nursing function. When it comes to sub professions, travel nursing is one of the prominent things. Let�s have a look at what travel nursing means.

First of all the fact of the matter; there is a shortage of nursing professionals across the nation. This is the prime reason why we have travel nursing in the industry by now. When it comes to the nursing profession, some states and cities do have an overflow of professionals and other do only have a shortage. So in simple, the nursing requirements have not been fulfilled equally. When it comes to moving the nurses from where there is a surplus, they do not wish to leave their home city of state for another one. This is why travel nursing came into the picture. The nurses in one state or city can go to another state or city for short term assignments. The duration could be 13 weeks or 26 weeks. This duration usually differ from one service to another. This way, you can travel to any destination across the nation and serve there for a short period of time and move back if you want. Or else, you can optionally select another destination after the first assignment is completed. This way you can travel as much as you want across the nation. If you are a soul that appreciate traveling and experiencing different climates and cultures, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

When it comes to travel nursing, the employer gives you all what you need. When you go to a new destination, the employer takes care of the accommodation. By default, you are entitled for one bedroom furnished apartment. If you need more than that, that can be mutually arranged with the employer, maybe for some extra money. In cases where you may want to take your children with you, you may want to a bigger apartment.

Since travel nursing involves some level of traveling, the employers usually pay the professionals a travel component in their salary. This is the compensation that they get paid for being away from home. If travel nursing involves daily traveling to another city, the employer usually covers this cost as well. Sometimes, the traveling nurse is paid a per diem during the assignment. If this is the paying model, the nurse receives a tax benefit from the state and federal government.

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